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site maintenance

How to manage your internal links

Discover how to effectively manage your internal links to boost SEO and enhance user experience. Follow our essential tips for maintaining a well-optimized website. Learn best practices, avoid common mistakes, and see how Progress Planner can simplify your link management.​⬤

Iris Guelen

site maintenance

How to turn website maintenance into a habit

Struggling to make website maintenance a habit? Learn how to build consistency with expert tips. Discover why habits are hard to form and how to integrate maintenance tasks seamlessly into your routine. Ready to make your website thrive? Read on to find out how!

Marieke van de Rakt

site maintenance

How often do you need to update your website?

Finding it hard to keep your website up to date amidst your busy schedule? You're not alone. Discover how to strike the perfect balance between managing your business and ensuring your site stays current. Dive into our article for practical tips on website update frequency!

Marieke van de Rakt

site maintenance

Website maintenance: where to start?

Feeling overwhelmed by starting website maintenance? You're not alone. It's tough to dive into tedious tasks, especially when you're unsure where to begin. But our guide breaks it down into simple steps, helping you kickstart your site's upkeep with ease!

Marieke van de Rakt

site maintenance

How to maintain your blog posts?

Struggling to keep your blog posts fresh and engaging? You're not alone. Many content creators face the challenge of maintaining their articles over time. So, how can you breathe new life into your existing articles and ensure they continue to attract readers and maintain their relevance? Discover how to maintain your blog posts effectively, with practical tips to keep your content engaging and up-to-date!

Marieke van de Rakt

site maintenance

Why is website maintenance important?

Your website launch isn't the end; it's just the beginning. Learn why regular maintenance is crucial for success and security. From keeping your site updated for SEO to ensuring a seamless user experience, discover the essentials of website upkeep. Ready to take your website to the next level? Find out more!

Marieke van de Rakt