Powering your website’s progress

A successful website requires ongoing work—keeping it fresh, functional and engaging. Progress Planner is here to guide you through the process, helping you improve your site every day. It gives you the tools and motivation to keep moving forward. And with Progress Planner Pro, you’ll get the step-by-step guidance that drive you to take action and optimize your site!

make real progress

overcome procrastination

personalized insights

earn badges

Every week, you’ll receive a Progress Report email reminding you to keep working on your website. You’ll find your website activity scores and tips on what tasks to tackle next.

You know you should put more work and effort into your site, but you keep putting off that work. However, for a site to rank or convert well, pages must be created, plugins updated, and stale content refreshed. Overwhelming? No worries! We’ll remind you of everything you should be doing!

You can find your weekly website activity score in your WordPress backend. That score -between 0 and 100- will reflect how active you have been in the past weeks. If the score is low, that’ll be your cue to get started again.

Stay motivated to work on your website and earn badges! You’ll earn these wonderful rewards by keeping your streak or by adding and updating your content. Share them with your friends and colleagues! Who’ll win those first badges?!

Not sure what to do to keep your site in top-notch shape? Ravi’s Recommendations help you stay on top of your website by offering personalized task recommendations based on your site’s needs. Whether it’s updating old blog posts, optimizing your plugins, or adding new content, Ravi will guide you toward the tasks that matter most. And, if you do the tasks Ravi suggests, you’ll be rewarded!

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